genARTS Membership
Become a member of genARTS and find out about upcoming events, opportunities, and other topics related to arts and culture in Silicon Valley.
Currently, it is FREE to become a member of genARTS Silicon Valley.
Members receive:
Exclusive first announcements about all upcoming genARTS events, programs, and opportunities
Scholarship opportunities to America for the Arts AFTA + NAMP Conferences
Special discounts and offers to attend events and organizations around Silicon Valley
Opportunities to share input and ideas for future genARTS workshops
Opportunity to nominate fellow artists and organizations to be the recipient of our annual Mover & Shaker Award
Discounts and or FREE tickets to workshop events
Networking opportunities
Access to grant writing workshops
News about the local arts and culture scene
Announcements of job opportunities throughout the sector
Connections on LinkedIn
genARTS swag
and more!
To join, simply sign-up for our monthly e-newsletter below. We look forward to connecting with you soon at a future event.